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I’ve heard it said that someone who reads lives a thousand lives.
If I dare to modify, I believe
that those who speak bilingually
live in two different worlds.
For most my life I’d not perceive how I was limited as equally
as those to whom I couldn’t speak.
My life to theirs was as untouched
as parallel lines.
Impossible for me to see was how some could peer through different eyes
familiar feelings from unique signs.
The supernatural few whose thoughts occurred bilingually,
to me they bridged incomprehensible frontiers.
In my personal persual of another tongue
I stretched muscles till then unknown to me.
in shaping experiences into words
inexpressible from my first array.
What’s more, while true that lumière and light carry the same meaning,
the conception living beneath both
is something that can’t be bound by speech.
In this new paradigm I can observe raw feelings.
It became the key to whole communities;
where I used to look in strangers eyes
and see only one inch deep;
now there is only clarity.