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Christian Clement

Associate Professor
German and Russian

3106 JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Commonly Taught Courses

GERM 330 Deutsche Kulturgeschichte [Cultural History GE] – GERM 340 Schreiben über Literatur [Writing about Literature] – GERM 343 Einführung in die Literaturtheorie [Intro to Literary Analysis] – GERM 440R Von der Aufklärung zur Romantik [Literary Periods: 18th century]


Full time instructor and researcher.


Academic Profile:
Critical Edition Project: Rudolf Steiner Kritische Ausgabe (SKA)
Journal Editorship: Steiner Studies


Christian Clement (born 1968) studied Music (evangelische Kirchenmusik) at the Kirchenmusikschule Spandau in Berlin, then Philosophy and Pedagogy at the University of Hamburg and Music Education at the Hamburg College of Music and Theater. After 1st and 2nd Staatsexamen (BA and MA) further studies in German Language and Literature at the University of Utah, PhD in 2005. Adjunct Faculty for Philosophy at Salt Lake Community College and Utah Valley University from 2001-2005. Currently Associate Professor at the Department of German and Russian at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.


BA Philosophy, Educational Theory [1. Staatsexamen] University of Hamburg, 1999
BA Music Education [1. Staatsexamen] Hamburg College of Music, 1999
MA Pedagogy/Educational Theory [2. Staatsexamen] University of Hamburg, 2001
PH.D Literatures and Languages, emphasis in German [Promotion] University of Utah, 2005

Courses Taught


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