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Dan Dewey

Department Chair, Linguistics

4064C JFSB
Provo, UT 84602



Ling 640, Language Acquisition; Ling 660, Language Testing; Ling 670, Reading, Writing and Vocabulary Teaching; SLaT 602, Linguistics for Language Teachers; SLaT 603, Conducting Research in Second Language Teaching; Elang 223, Introduction to the English Language; Ling 335, Pragmatics; Ling 495, Senior Capstone in Linguistics; Japanese 201, Second-Year Japanese; Japanese 326, Contrastive Analysis (Japanese and English)


I am primarily interested in language learning that takes place outside of the classroom (i.e., informal learning). My research has focused on untutored learning by second language learners living and studying abroad. I try to determine factors that contribute to informal language use and acquisition with the goals of providing guidance for students and language programs and of supporting sound policy planning.  I am also interested in motivation, emotion, and affect and second language acquisition and in physiological and psychological responses to being immersed in a second language abroad.  Finally, I am interested in the role of social networking and social support in the transition abroad and in second language acquisition.  I also conduct collaborative research at the BYU English Language Center ( and with the BYU Center for Language Studies ( on teaching and testing second languages.

Google Scholar Profile:

ResearchGate Profile:


PhD, Second Language Acquisition, Carnegie Mellon University
M.A., Language Acquisition (Japanese), Brigham Young University
B.A., Japanese, Brigham Young University


  • Second Language Acquisition and Teaching
  • Motivation in Language Acquisition and Teaching
  • Social Networks and Language Acquisition
  • Language Testing
  • Study abroad and Experiential Learning
  • Interplay between Cognitive, Linguistic, Psychological and Physiological Factors during SLA

Research Interests

My research has focused primarily on how people use and acquire a second language outside of the classroom (study abroad, foreign language housing, computer-assisted learning, etc.). I focuses on the social, psychological, cognitive and neurological variables that influence language acquisition. Much of my recent scholarship has focused on anxiety, motivation, self-regulation, and positive psychology. Although I have not published as much in neurolinguistics, I now regularly do neurolinguistic research using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). My primary aim in that research is to understand how social interaction influences language processing and acquisition.

Teaching Interests

First language Acquisition (LING 461)
Second Language Acquisition (LING 462)
Language Acquisition (LING 640, Graduate)
History of the Book (ELING 524)
Pragmatics (LING 335)
Neurolinguistics (LING 561)

Administrative Assignments

  • Linguistics: Department Chair (2021 - Present)

Courses Taught


Mariia Shishmareva Jennifer Bown Teresa Reber Bell Wendy Baker Smemoe Dan P Dewey Dan P Dewey Jeffrey Jack Green Janis Bozic Nuckolls Auna Nygaard Todd D Swanson Carolee Rogers Benjamin C McMurray Dan P Dewey Maryann Phillips Dan P Dewey Benjamin McMurry Kayla Nymeyer Dan P Dewey William Gregory Eggington Wendy Baker Smemoe Claudia Mencarelli Dan P Dewey Dennis Eggett Benjamin C McMurry Troy L Cox Troy L Cox Dan P Dewey Hannah Trimble Brown Dan P Dewey Vashti Lee Dennis Lee L Eggett Jennifer ? Bown Wendy Baker ? Smemoe Dan P Dewey Maria Summers Troy L Cox Ben McMurry Dan P Dewey Maria M Summers Troy L Cox Benjamin L McMurry Dan P Dewey Bejarano Marie Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker Smemoe Lynn Henrichsen Timothy Hall Marie Bejarano Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker Smemoe Lynn E Henrichsen Timothy Hall Christina Isabelli Jennifer Bown John Plews Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker Smemoe Dan P Dewey Robert Kirk Belnap Patrick R Steffen Dan P Dewey Paul Cave Norman Wall Evans K. James Hartshorn Dan P Dewey Robert Kirk Belnap Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Belnap Linnea Patrick R Steffen Dan P Dewey Jeongwoon Kim Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker-Smemoe Spencer Ring Andrew Westover Dennis Lee Eggett Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Robert Kirk Belnap Ray Thomas Clifford Dan P Dewey Troy L Cox Wendy Baker Smemoe Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Rob Alan Martinsen Wendy Baker Smemoe Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Rob Alan Martinsen Jeongwoon Kim Dan P Dewey Ring Spencer Westover Andrew Dennis Lee Eggett Newel Anthony Brown Dan P Dewey Troy L Cox Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Wendy Baker Smemoe Rob Alan Martinsen Carrie Gold Dennis Lee Eggett Shelby Thayne Neil J Anderson Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Spencer Ring Daniel Gardner Robert Kirk Belnap Ring Spencer Gardner Daniel Dan P Dewey Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Dennis Lee Eggett Dan P Dewey Robert Kirk Belnap Hillstrom Rebecca Jenifer Larson-Hall Dan P Dewey Dan P Dewey Ray Thomas Clifford Jennifer Bown Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker Smemoe Rob Alan Martinsen Malena Weitze Jeremiah McGhee Charles Ray Graham Dan P Dewey Dennis Lee Eggett Dan P Dewey Wendy Baker Smemoe Jennifer Bown Rob Alan Martinsen Rob Alan Martinsen Wendy Baker Smemoe Dan P Dewey Jennifer Bown Cary Johnson