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David Laraway

Philosophy, Spanish and Portuguese

3164 JFSB
Provo, UT 84602


David Laraway received his PhD in Romance Studies (Hispanic Literature) from Cornell University in 1998. In addition to Árbol de imágenes: nueva historia de la poesía hispanoamericana (with Merlin H. Forster), he is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on a wide range of topics in Hispanic Literature and Culture, from modernista poetry to contemporary Basque narrative to Chilean cyberpunk. In 2015, he completed a second PhD in Philosophy, Art, and Social Thought at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, where he took seminars from Simon Critchley, Slavoj Zizek, Michael Hardt, and Lev Manovich, among others. In 2018, he published American Idiots: Outsider Music, Outsider Art, and the Philosophy of Incompetence (New York: Atropos). In 2020, he published Borges and Black Mirror (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan). He served as the chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese from 2011–17 and of the Department of Philosophy from 2019–22. He has been appointed the Todd A. Britsch Professor of the Humanities at BYU (2021–2026).

Research Interests

Hispanic Literature and Culture; Basque and Basque-American Literature and Culture; Philosophy of Art; History of Philosophy; Philosophy in the Spanish-speaking World

Teaching Interests

Hispanic Literature and Culture; Basque and Basque-American Literature and Culture; Philosophy of Art; History of Philosophy; Philosophy in the Spanish-speaking World


  • PhD, Philosophy, Art, and Social Thought , European Graduate School (2015)
  • PhD, Romance Studies, Hispanic Literature , Cornell University (1998)

Administrative Assignments

  • Philosophy: Department Chair (2019 - 2022)
  • Spanish & Portuguese: Department Chair (2011 - 2017)

Courses Taught


David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway Merlin H Forster David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway David Phillip Laraway