Elliott D. Wise Skip to main content

Elliott D. Wise

Associate Professor, Art History & Curatorial Studies
Department of Comparative Arts and Letters

JFSB 3048



Elliott D. Wise completed a B.A. and M.A. in Art History at Brigham Young University in 2007 and 2009, respectively.  In 2016 he received a Ph.D. in Art History from Emory University, studying the Northern Renaissance as his major field and medieval art as his minor field.  He spent a semester at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and a year in New York City as a fellow at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  His dissertation explores the affinity between vernacular mystical literature in the Low Countries and panel paintings by Rogier van der Weyden (c. 1399–1464) and Robert Campin (c. 1375–1445).  His research and publications focus on the devotional function of late medieval and early modern art.  In particular, he is interested in art and liturgy, representations of the Eucharistic Christ and the Virgin Mary, and the visual culture of the great mendicant and monastic orders.


B.A., Brigham Young University (Art History & Curatorial Studies), 2007
M.A., Brigham Young University (Art History & Curatorial Studies), 2009
Ph.D., Emory University (Art History), 2016

Courses Taught

ARTHC 202 World Civilization Since 1500
ARTHC 316 Art of the Medieval West
ARTHC 320 Italian Renaissance
ARTHC 325 Northern Renaissance Art
ARTHC 490R Special Topics in Art History (Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Prints, Prints of Albrecht Dürer)
CMPST 650R Interrelations of the Arts Graduate Seminar (Devotional Art)

Research Interests

My research focuses on the role of art in the devotion, exegesis, and religious practice of late medieval and early modern Europe. I am particularly interested in Eucharistic, liturgical, and Marian imagery and its permutations in the spiritual traditions of the monastic and mendicant orders.

Teaching Interests

In addition to a survey course of Western Art from the Renaissance to the contemporary era, I offer classes on the art and architecture of the Medieval West, the Northern Renaissance, and the Italian Renaissance. I also teach a graduate seminar in devotional art and am responsible for overseeing the Art History internship courses.


  • Ph.D., Northern Renaissance , Medieval, Emory University (2016)

Courses Taught