Jacob Price Skip to main content
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Jacob Price

Visiting Assistant Professor
Spanish and Portuguese


A native of the Pacific Northwest, Jacob has combined his love for the outdoors, his experience traveling abroad in Latin America, and love of the classroom into a career in education. Outside of Academia, I have professional experience in video game translation, podcasting, creative writing, academic administration, and punk rock.

Research Interests

I have yet to find a topic that does not interest me, but I only have finite time to conduct research:
- Cold War Central American literature
- Environmental Humanities
- Interactive Media

Teaching Interests

Students of all majors will fulfill BYU's educational mission to create well balanced lifelong learners. The following topics are the foundation for developing analytical and critical thinking skills:
- Close reading and literary analysis with a focus on poetry, music, short stories, long-form narratives, film, and video games
- Comparison of students' native culture and Latin American cultures
- General history of Latin America as a region
- General history of canonical and non-canonical Latin American literature
- Environmental impact of military dictatorships
- Current social movements and trend in Latin America
- Literary analysis of extinction and notions of the Apocalypse and Anthropocene

Courses Taught