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Image of Professor Marc Olivier

Marc Olivier

French and Italian

3127 JFSB
Provo, UT 84602


Commonly Taught Courses

Fren 202–Intermediate French, Part 2 Fren/Ital 217–French and Italian Cinema Fren 362–French Civilization from 1715 to Present


 Selected Publications -“Walking Through Paris’ History”, Marc Olivier, Corry Cropper, Robert Erickson, David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, Provo, August, 2008 -“George Eastman’s Modern Stone-Age Family: Snaphot Photography and the Brownie”, Technology and Culture, Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 1-19, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, January, 2007 -“Through a Flea-Glass Darkly: Enlightened Entomologists and the Redemption of Aesthetics in Eighteenth-Century France”, Insect Poetics, Edition 1st, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis; London, Eric C. Brown, January, 2006 -“Engineering Nostalgia: The Machine de Marly in Madame D’Auneuil’s La Tyrannie des fées détruite”, Romance Notes, Volume XLVI, Issue 1, Pages 13-23, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Valencia, October, 2006 -“Gilles Auguste Bazin’s ‘True Novel of Natural History'”, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 187-202, January, 2006 -“Nostalgia and Technology: Embracing the New through Art and Design”, BYU Museum of Art, November, 2005 -“Binding the Book of Nature: Microscopy as Literature”, History of European Ideas, Volume 31, Pages 173-191, 2005 -“Jean-Nicolas Servandoni’s Spectacles of Nature and Technology”, French Forum, Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 31-47, August, 2005 -“Lessons for the Four-Year-Old Botanist: Rousseau’s Forgotten Science of Childhood”, French Literature Series, Volume 31, Pages 161-171, December, 2004 Awards -Alcuin Fellowship in General Education, Brigham Young University, 2009 -DDL-IAP Crystal Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Distance Learning, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2008


BA, French, Brigham Young U, 1991
MA, French, U of Washington, 1993
PhD, French Literature, U of Washington, 1999


French Literature
History and Philosophy of Science
Interdisciplinary Humanities

Research Interests

Film and media
18th century literature
Material culture
European cinema

Teaching Interests

I love teaching everything from the GE capstone language course to graduate-level critical theory. I focus on interdisciplinary thinking. I want students to make connections between my classes and their other areas of study. I don't believe that the tools of literary criticism are limited to literary application. My own literary background has led me to publish on subjects as diverse as microscopy, film, and emerging technologies. When you know how to read with an analytic eye, you should be able to read anything.

Honors and Awards

  • College of Humanities Distinguished Literature Scholar: Scheuber-Veinz Professorship and Christensen , BYU College of Humanities (2022 - 2025)
  • Alcuin Fellowship, Brigham Young University GE and Honors (2020 - 2022)
  • Ludwig-Weber-Siebach Professorship, BYU College of Humanities (2015 - 2020)
  • Raymond E. and Ida Lee Beckham Lecture in Communications, BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications (2014 - 2014)
  • Humanities Center Fellow, BYU Humanities Center (2013 - 2014)
  • Alcuin Fellowship in General Education, Brigham Young University (2009 - 2011)
  • DDL-IAP Crystal Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Distance Learning, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (2008 - 2008)


  • Network for European Cinema Studies (2019 - Present)
  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies (2014 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Editor, Associate Editor, Indiana University Press (2021 - Present)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Eighteenth-Century Fiction (2018 - Present)
  • Committee/Council Chair, Society for Cinema and Media Studies (2016 - 2019)
  • Committee/Council Chair, Popular Culture Association (2014 - 2015)

Courses Taught


Marc Louis Olivier Michael Ashman Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier David Walker Michael Ashman Marc Olivier Marc Olivier Marc Olivier Marc Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Andrew Livingston Marc Louis Olivier Ashley Adams Karen Armstrong Allyson Baker Kristen Ballieu Aileen Christensen Brooke Curran Lynzi Clyde Daniel Cutler Amy Dawson Amandine Giraud Carrier Ryan Greenburg Alex Hill Anne Knighton Charly Kuecks Paola Leao Gautier Mindy Leavitt Nicole LeTellier Hannah Stauffer Alyssa Tillett Julia Gil Marc Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Corry L Cropper Robert Gammell Erickson Marc Louis Olivier Corry L Cropper Robert Gammell Erickson Corry L Cropper Robert Gammell Erickson Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Corry L Cropper Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Corry L Cropper Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier Marc Louis Olivier


Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier Michael J Ashman
Heather Belnap Sara Phenix Marc Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier Richard E Fry
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier Kristen Ballieu
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier
Marc Louis Olivier