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Paul Westover


4149 JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602



Dr. Westover joined the BYU English Department in 2008. He is the author of Necromanticism: Traveling to Meet the Dead, 1760-1850 (Palgrave, 2012), co-editor of Transatlantic Literature and Author-Love in the Nineteenth Century (Palgrave, 2016), and co-editor of two Romantic Circles electronic editions: William Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes (2015, 2020) and Dorothy Wordsworth's Lake District (2023). He has published various articles and chapters on British Romantic literature, literary tourism, and related subjects in cultural history.

Research Interests

-British literary tourism, especially in the nineteenth century
-Transatlantic literary heritage
-Dorothy and William Wordsworth
-Literary geography
-Reception studies
-Memory studies

Teaching Interests

-British Romantic literature
-Transatlantic literary heritage
-William and Dorothy Wordsworth
-C. S. Lewis


  • Ph.D., British Literature , Indiana University (2008)
  • MA, British Literature , Brigham Young University (2002)
  • BA, English , Brigham Young University (1998)


  • Wordsworth-Coleridge Association (2012 - Present)
  • Modern Language Association (2003 - Present)
  • North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (2003 - Present)
  • North American Conference on British Studies (2013 - 2020)

Professional Citizenship

  • Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of British Studies (2013 - 2019)
  • Conference-Related Role, North American Association for the Study of Romanticism (2009 - 2011)

Courses Taught


Paul A. Westover Nicholas A Mason Michelle Levy Paul A Westover Paul A. Westover Paul A. Westover Paul A. Westover Nicholas A. Mason Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Ann W. Rowland Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Nicholas A Mason William Max Hall Jarom L. McDonald Shannon Stimpson Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover Paul Aaron Westover


Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul A. Westover
Paul A Westover
Paul A. Westover Lavender Earnest Emily Stephens Kasper
Paul A. Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul A. Westover Nicholas A. Mason Michelle Levy
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover Melissa Ann Kopp
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover Matthew Wickman Carl Sederholm
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover
Paul Aaron Westover