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Scott Alvord

Dpt Chair, Span & Port, Professor
Spanish and Portuguese

3190B JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Commonly Taught Courses

Dr. Alvord teaches a variety of courses in Hispanic Linguistics and the Spanish language, including:
Spanish 629R “Seminar on the Second Language Acquisition of Spanish Phonology”
Spanish 626 “Spanish Phonology”
Spanish and Portuguese 493 “Capstone”
Spanish 425 “Spanish and English Structure”
Spanish 329 “Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics”
Spanish 326 “Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation”
Spanish 321 “Third Year Reading, Grammar, Culture, Composition”


Scott M. Alvord is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Brigham Young University. He received his PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of Minnesota in 2006. His research interests include Spanish phonetics and phonology, bilingualism, Spanish in the United States, and second language acquisition. Lately he has been serving as the Associate Chair and internship coordinator of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.


Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics, 2006
University of Minnesota

Master of Arts in Hispanic Linguistics, 2003
University of Minnesota

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, 1998
Weber State University

Research Interests

Dr. Alvord's main research interests are in Spanish phonetics and phonology, especially in bilingual environments (including Spanish as a second language). He has published work on Spanish in contact with Quechua in Perú, Miami Cuban Spanish, as well as the second language acquisition of Spanish phonology.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Alvord teaches a variety of courses in Hispanic Linguistics and the Spanish language, including:
Spanish 629R “Seminar on the Second Language Acquisition of Spanish Phonology”
Spanish 626 “Spanish Phonology”
Spanish 325 “Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics”
Spanish 326 “Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation”


  • PhD, Hispanic Linguistics , University of Minnesota (2006)

Honors and Awards

  • Douglas R. Stewart Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship, Brigham Young University (2019 - 2021)

Administrative Assignments

  • Department of Spanish and Portuguese: Department Chair (2023 - Present)
  • Department of Spanish and Portuguese: Department Chair (2020 - 2021)

Courses Taught


Carol A Klee Rocío Caravedo Mónica de la Fuente Iglesias Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Gregory L Thompson Brandon M. A. Rogers Scott M Alvord Doug Porter Brandon M. A. Rogers Scott M Alvord Giselle Gimenez Meiling Willis C Fails Scott M Alvord Gregory L Thompson Scott M Alvord Brandon M. A. Rogers Scott M Alvord Brandon M. A. Rogers Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Brandon M. A. Rogers Rob Alan Martinsen Scott M Alvord Joshua Tanner Rob Alan Martinsen Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Diane Christiansen Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord Lisa Griebling-McCowen Scott M Alvord Carol A Klee Nelsey E Chavez-Solano Scott M Alvord Timothy L Face Timothy L Face Scott M Alvord Scott M Alvord