Commonly Taught Courses
French 321/322 French advanced grammar & composition, French 362 French Civilization 1715-present, French 363 Contemporary French Civilization, Bus M 596R Business French, Fr 400/600 French & French Canadian Literature
Semester Schedule
French Internship Program Coordinator
Recent publications: 1. Books: —–, and Réal Ouellet, A critical edition of La Relation de l’établissement des Français depuis l’an 1635 en l’île de la Martinique (1640) by Jacques Bouton, Les Presses de l’Université Laval/Laval University Press, Quebec, Canada, 2012. —–, and Deryle Lonsdale, A Frequency Dictionary of French, Routledge, New York and London, 2009 2. Book chapters: 1. “Des Sauvages du pays nommés Caraïbes”: la représentation des Amérindiens dans la Relation de la Martinique du père Jacques Bouton,” in Alain Beaulieu (éd.) Représentation, Métissage et Pouvoir. La dynamique coloniale des échanges entre Autochtones, Européens et Canadiens (XVIe-XXe siècle), Les Presses de l’Université Laval/ Laval University Press, Québec, 2012, p. 335-346. “Les Relations du père Jean de Brébeuf en Huronie: écriture missionnaire et ethnographie” in Guy Poirier (ed.) From Asia to Huronia. Missionary Texts and Devotional Literature of the 16th and 17th Centuries, Les Presses de l’Université Laval/Laval University Press, 2011, 139-148. —–, and Anca Sprenger, “Religion et sacré dans l’œuvre de Gabrielle Roy” in Isabelle Daunais, Sophie Marcotte and François Ricard (ed.) Gabrielle Roy et l’art du roman, Les Cahiers Gabrielle Roy, Editions du Boréal, Montréal, Canada, 2010, p. 237-251. “Les Relations de Paul Lejeune: pour une poétique du récit missionnaire en Nouvelle-France” in Marie-Christine Pioffet and Andreas Motsh (ed.), Ecrire des récits de voyage (XVe-XVIIIe siècles): Esquisse d’une poétique en gestation, Les Presses de l’Université Laval/Laval University Press, Québec, 2008, p. 177-187. 3. Articles: “Confection d’un corpus pour un nouveau dictionnaire de fréquence du français,” in Geoffrey Williams (ed.) Texte et Corpus, No 4 (revue électronique
BA, University of Rennes, France
MA, University of Rennes, France
PhD, Laval University, Canada
Travel literature The French & French Canadian novel English-French translation & interpretation Lexicography
Study Abroad Program in Paris & Southern France
French Internships
Research Interests
Interests:Travel literature The French and French Canadian novel
English-French translation and interpretation Lexicography
Translation & Localization
Teaching Interests
Commonly Taught Courses:French 362 French Civilization 1715-present French 363 Contemporary French Civilization
Bus M 596R Business French
Fr 400/600 French & French Canadian Literature
- PhD, French literature , Laval University- Canada (1992)
- MA, French Literature , University of Rennes, France (1972)
- MA, French , Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (1972)
- BA, French Literature , University of Rennes, France (1970)
Licenses and Certifications
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Certified as Senior interpreter (2017 - Present)
- American Translators Association, ATA Certification (2004 - Present)
Honors and Awards
- Humanities + Experiential Learning Educator Award, College of Humanities (2022 - Present)
- Humanities + Award, BYU College of Humanities (2013 - Present)
- Certificate of Appreciation for dedicated service as Interpretation Coordinator for the French Language, Global Interpretation Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1982 - 2018)
Administrative Assignments
- French & Italian Department: Department Chair (2004 - 2009)
- North-American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature (2014 - Present)
- The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (2012 - Present)
- International Council for Francophones Studies (2000 - Present)
- American Council for Quebec Studies (1993 - Present)
- American Translators Association (1993 - Present)
Professional Citizenship
- Media Participation, Bonneville International Corporation (2020 - Present)
- Other, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1975 - Present)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Mémoire du livre/Studies in Book Culture (2020 - 2020)
- Conference-Related Role, North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature (2020 - 2020)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature (NASSCFL) (2020 - 2020)
- Other, McGill University Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (2011 - 2011)
- Editor, Associate Editor, Lingua Romana: A journal of French, Italian, and Romanian Studies (2011 - 2011)
- Conference-Related Role, (2010 - 2010)