Recent College Leadership Changes Skip to main content

Recent College Leadership Changes

Effective this summer, several new faculty have assumed leadership positions in the College of Humanities.

Department of German & Russian

Professor Jennifer Bown (Second Language Acquisition) replaced Professor Grant Lundberg (Slavic Linguistics) as the chair of the Department of German & Russian. Bown anticipates her service will include navigating the current geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine as it affects faculty, students, and university programs. She also hopes to increase student interest in German and Russian language and culture.

Department of Philosophy

Associate Professor David Jensen (Ethics and Value Theory) recently replaced Professor David Laraway (Philosophy of Art, Hispanic Literature) as the chair of the Department of Philosophy. Previously, Jensen served on the College Rank & Status Committee and as associate chair of the department. Jensen brings administrative, teaching, and research experience to the department.

Associate Dean

Professor Grant Lundberg (Slavic Linguistics) replaced Professor Frank Christianson (19th-Century Transatlantic Culture) as associate dean in the College. Lundberg served for six years as chair of the Department of German & Russian prior to this appointment.

Humanities Center

Professor Rex Nielson (Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature and Culture) replaced Matthew Wickman (Scottish Literature, Interdisciplinary Literary Studies) as the new director of the Humanities Center.