The BYU Philosophy Club Tackles Tough Questions Skip to main content

The BYU Philosophy Club Tackles Tough Questions

For the BYU Philosophy Club, many of today's most pressing issues can be understood through reasoned discussion.

Is wealth redistribution theft? Is it ethical to mass produce animal meat? Do humans have free will? These are the kinds of questions that get tackled every week in the BYU Philosophy Club.

The Club is open to all BYU undergraduates, and it especially appeals to those who have a taste for philosophical debate. Jonathan Pulsipher, an undergraduate studying philosophy and co-president of the club, said, “We want everyone to come no matter what they’re studying. We normally have a presentation on the topic before the discussion starts, so you don't have to be an expert to participate.”

The emphasis on inclusivity is important for the club, because some of these topics can be a bit controversial. Pulsipher said, “People can really change their minds about these issues. It’s best if everyone just comes hoping to learn.” The club does its best to create an environment where everyone’s thoughts can be heard and given consideration.

“The club is great for anyone who likes to critically evaluate things,” Pulsipher said. “You can come and discuss the topic in depth, then leave with a better understanding of it because your ideas were challenged.” In this way, the club really does take seriously the motto for the college of humanities, “Think clearly. Act well. Appreciate life.”

The BYU Philosophy Club meets every Wednesday at 4 p.m. over zoom. More details can be found on their Instagram page, @byuphilosophyclub.