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The Language of Learning

In the realm of knowledge, we all partake.
A second language, though silent, we make.
Not just Spanish or French, or tongues of the earth,
But the language of learning, our true self's rebirth.
In the hallowed halls of our college's embrace,
We enter to learn, in this sacred space.
Each lesson, a brushstroke, a note, or a word,
Are connections that bind us, as one single herd.
The language of learning, a bridge to our soul,
Is the path to discover our purpose and role.
We unravel the mysteries, unlock a new door,
As we journey within and begin to explore.
Through the language of science, we comprehend,
The universe's secrets, to no limit or end.
Mathematics and physics, the stars to explore,
In the language of learning, we now reach for more.
In the language of art, we express our delight,
Colors, forms, and emotions begin to take flight.
Paintings and sculptures, our vision unfurls,
In the language of learning, are many great pearls.
In the language of poetry, we capture the heart,
With words that paint pictures, emotions impart.
Metaphors and similes, our feelings convey,
In the language of learning, we find our own way.

In the language of dance, we let spirits soar,
With graceful movements of expressions galore.
Ballet or hip-hop, our bodies declare,
In the language of learning, our cultures we share.
In the language of love, we connect and relate,
Kindness and empathy, we celebrate.
For love is the true force that binds us in one,
In the language of learning, our work’s never done.
As we gather our knowledge, diverse and profound,
A language of learning’s our common ground.
We enter to learn, but we don't just accrue,
We go forth to serve with purpose anew.
In learning's embrace, we shape our own fate,
Building our identity, it's never too late.
Our college's mission, we fully preserve,
Through the language of learning, we’ll always serve.

So let us embrace this second language divine,
The language of learning, all our hearts now in line.
Through connections are formed, deep in our core,
A people who serve, learn, love, and explore.