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Spanish & Portuguese
As Professor Scott Alvord steps into his new presidential role in the AATSP, he plans to serve teachers all across the US.
For decades, author Jorge Luis Borges’s personal notebooks remained hidden—until a team of BYU students, led by Emron Esplin, began transcribing them.
Today, female authors can have successful literary careers, but not many women in the past could. Professor Anna-Lisa Halling has found a way to change that.
After traveling to Peru, ELC teacher Jenna Smith understands why so many call English the language of opportunity.
At Education Week professors shared ways to improve language skills through a careful study of culture and art.
Spanish teaching student Sarah Steimle went to Spain to get teaching experience, but she left having gained so much more.
Two German department student instructors reveal what the classroom’s like from a teacher’s perspective.
HUM Grant researcher Elliana Shillig uncovers the lost work of a Portuguese activist.
Professor Troy Cox’s new tool helps foreign language students decide what class they should take.
BYU’s language fair trades in cotton candy and carousels for speech competitions and spelling bees.
According to Associate Professor Anna-Lisa Halling, playwriting gave nuns unprecedented freedom—which may explain why it became so popular.
How do you know when a novel is well translated? The key lies in keeping the author’s voice.