College News
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Gary Barton’s unique collage paintings demonstrate how faith is built layer by layer.
Office of Belonging banquet recognized Michael Easterling’s efforts to help students belong.
Learn about the various student journals in the College of Humanities and how you can join them!
Women may have been silent onscreen in early cinema, but backstage they were building a powerful new art form.
James Tissot experimented with painting uncommon biblical scenes that create rich resonance.
IC rings in the new school year with gripping films and lectures.
A recent historical photography exhibit invites you to consider how looking to the past can strengthen and inspire your life today.
As art museums shut down or limited their displays last spring, some looked for new ways to appreciate art while confined at home.
At BYU Education Week, Adjunct Faculty Jane G. Hinckley helped her audience rediscover Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park” by looking into some of the factors that influenced the novel.