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College News

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English Office of Digital Humanities Philosophy Humanities News Literature
College of Humanities professors lecture on the power of a good book.
Read about Lori Steadman’s lecture series on the importance of finding and sharing family stories.
College faculty explain how art helps us learn about the world around us.
Jane Hinckley explores the fan fiction genre inspired by Jane Austen.
AI won’t replace teachers anytime soon, but it can be used for language learning and teaching, explains Rob Reynolds.
Lance Larsen completes service as the English Department chair this summer.
With increasing interest in writing young adult literature, BYU graduate students strive to help undergraduate students find the literary resources and connections they need to be successful.
Philosophy professor Justin White discusses the complexity of personal transformation in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Associate Professor Paul Westover and students enrolled in his Fall 2019 Romantic literature course curated exhibits to honor the memory of the English poet William Wordsworth and his sister, diarist Dorothy Wordsworth.
Professor Jane Hinckley presented on one of Jane Austen’s famous novels Emma to inspire audiences to form a deeper relationship with the text.
Women in Academia panel discusses burnout, graduate degrees, sexism, and more.
Illness has been recorded in art for much of human history. In the fall of 2017, my colleague Brian Poole and I co-taught an Honors 220: Unexpected Connections course we titled “Literature and Disease.” The class was Brian’s idea. He’s a microbiologist in the College of Life Sciences, a virologist, and an expert on the human immune system.