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College News

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Asian & Near Eastern Languages French & Italian Philosophy Humanities News
When most people start a new job or learn a new skill, they feel unqualified or out of place. Turns out, these feelings can actually be good—here’s why.
Microbiology labs aren’t the traditional setting for language learning—unless the lab is in Italy.
German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese: Four Education Week lectures to bring you closer to these cultures.
At Education Week professors shared ways to improve language skills through a careful study of culture and art.
During Education Week, philosophy professors explain how religion and philosophy actually strengthen each other.
College of Humanities faculty and staff shared gospel insights during Education Week.
Undergrad Rachael Merrill led a group of volunteers to Japan—where she put her Japanese minor to the test.
In spring 2024, undergrad Asher Wickman visited Japan for three months, but it left an impression that will last a lifetime.
Meet Brendan Murphy: English and philosophy undergrad, avid traveler, and author of dozens of UK Parliamentary speeches, motions, and letters.
Researcher Theresa Bell says playing violent video games may say something about you. But it depends on the game you play—and the way you play it.
Clermont-Ferrand's cathedral keystones have been a mystery for decades—until one undergrad set out to decode their meaning.
Two German department student instructors reveal what the classroom’s like from a teacher’s perspective.