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Asian & Near Eastern Languages Comparative Arts & Letters Linguistics Office of Digital Humanities Foreign Language Humanities News Localization
When most people start a new job or learn a new skill, they feel unqualified or out of place. Turns out, these feelings can actually be good—here’s why.
German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese: Four Education Week lectures to bring you closer to these cultures.
These Education Week lectures will open your mind to the ways art and architecture can change you.
College of Humanities faculty and staff shared gospel insights during Education Week.
Student researcher Cheynie Wray analyzes depictions of Jesus Christ as a savior, advocate, redeemer. . . and a mother.
Undergrad Rachael Merrill led a group of volunteers to Japan—where she put her Japanese minor to the test.
In spring 2024, undergrad Asher Wickman visited Japan for three months, but it left an impression that will last a lifetime.
Undergrad Savannah Jepson’s work on English in Lapoint, Utah, has done more than fill in a research gap—it’s convinced her to become a researcher.
To solve environmental issues, it’s important to examine every angle—that’s where the humanities come in.
In the college town of Tomsk, Russia, the use of English in advertising and branding may mean more than you think.
While in Qatar, undergrad Alex Bills met hundreds of Arabic speakers who helped him notice the similarities between his culture and theirs.
Matt and Judy Batschi spent three years teaching English in China. Now out of the classroom, they use their experiences to help future teachers.