Tips for Remote Language Teaching
Assess understanding of key concepts prior to class: Evaluate students’ understanding before class, saving class time for activities that students can’t do independently. (Google Forms, Poll Everywhere, Socrative, Triventy)
Build relationships throughout the course: Relationship-building activities can provide conversation practice while helping students feel more connected to you, peers, and the course itself.
- Getting-to-Know You Activities
- Question of the Day
- Class Openers
- Cooperative Learning & Team-building Activities
- Writing & Reflection Activities
Create interactive, in-class learning experiences: Plan frequent changes of activity to keep students engaged with one another and the content.
- Breakout rooms in Zoom
- Cultural artifact analysis using the think-pair-share model
- Guest speakers
- Interactive review games (e.g., Jeopardy, Kahoot)
- Peer instruction (students prepare and present content)
- Role plays
- Service learning (students learn by serving others)
- Simulations
Devote time to concrete, multisensory, physical activities and encourage social interaction. Increase the sense of physical presence and spontaneous social interaction with these strategies:
- Incorporate multisensory methods and materials (e.g., use images and sound effects as prompts for speaking and writing)
- Invite physical movement (e.g., 30-second energizers, such as culturally authentic fingerplays, dance breaks, stretch breaks, or yoga poses.
- Use physical objects to signal understanding (e.g., hold up objects when they hear vocab. words, show prepositions using stuffed animals, etc.).
- Use TPR (from the waist up).
Engage students in sustained inquiry and practice with content throughout the week:
- Choice boards (Sample choice board; Nine homework choice systems for world language classrooms)
- Conversation practice (students practice speaking in the target language (e-mail, Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, Whereby, Whatsapp)
- Debates (Tricider)
- Discussion teams for practicing speaking or writing (Digital Dialogue in Learning Suite, Flipgrid)
- Independent or small group research (Community of Online Research Assignments (CORA)
- Interview cultural informants (Ethnographic Interview Questions)
- Scavenger hunts (Goosechase)
- Webquests (Aula123)