Professor Christopher Flood turns to medieval French literature to explain worldwide conflicts.

Centuries of technology, development, and art separate us from the Middle Ages, yet examining literature from this era shows we still have much in common with those who lived at that time. According to Associate Professor Christopher Flood (French Medieval and Renaissance Literature), many conflicts society faces today can be improved or understood by studying medieval and Renaissance literature—especially that of French poet Alain Chartier. At BYU’s French Honor Society (FHS) initiation on December 4, 2024, Flood shared one of Chartier’s most well-known stories, Le Quadrilogue invectif, to help students connect to the present through the medium of France’s past.
A Modern-Day Quadrilogue Invectif
Le Quadrilogue invectif, an allegorical short story Chartier wrote in 1422, introduces France as the mother of three disputing children: one which represents the people, another the clergy, and the last the knights. When speaking with France, each child expresses the grievances of the people they symbolically represent. Though Le Quadrilogue invectif was written centuries ago, issues in the current social and political climate often mimic those found in medieval France, including pandemics, climate changes, class struggles, and political divisions. “[In] France and Europe, you talk about the Black Death, the Ice Age, the French Civil War, [and for] all of these things, we can substitute [issues in] 21st-century America,” Flood explained. He continued, “The vocabulary is different, but these authors are dealing with the same kinds of problems that we’re trying to work through today.”
Flood argues that we can learn how to address these modern-day conflicts by analyzing the message and structure of Chartier’s piece. Flood said, “It’s always easier to talk about these controversial issues at an arm’s length, so it’s easy for us to talk about them in [the context of] medieval France.” By looking into the past, readers can find similarities in the future and, with the help of past writers, can find solutions to problems seen today.

Analyzing Medieval France
Flood’s most important takeaway came when Flood found that, throughout the story, it becomes increasingly clear that France’s problems result from the lack of unity between her children. “They have neglected their responsibilities, not only to their mother France, the nation that bore them, but also to each other,” Flood explained. “Rather than seeking the common good, a mutual salvation, they have pursued their own selfish interests.” This aspect of the story can explain many modern-day divisions plaguing societies worldwide. As Chartier and Flood argue, nations and communities can overcome any challenge that comes their way by seeking to develop mutual respect despite differences.
Flood concluded, saying, “Chartier argues for equality as they understood it at the time. Equality before the state, and more importantly, equality before God; that all citizens need to work together for the common good.”
To learn more about Professor Flood’s research interests, check out his faculty profile.