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Asian & Near Eastern Languages Comparative Arts & Letters English Philosophy Spanish & Portuguese American Studies International Cinema Humanities News
College faculty explain how art helps us learn about the world around us.
Learn about the various student journals in the College of Humanities and how you can join them!
Ixcanul becomes the first IC film entirely in Kaqchikel, a Mayan language.
Where are the reminders of WWII bombing in Japan? Film Paper City investigates.
Women may have been silent onscreen in early cinema, but backstage they were building a powerful new art form.
Find out how you can help support neurodivergent students.
Associate Professor Greg Stallings (Spanish & Portuguese) may have thought that picking The Exterminating Angel to be shown at the International Cinema seemed random, but the theme of quarantine that runs throughout the movie has become especially poignant in today’s environment.
Florida State University's Dr. Juan Carlos Galeano addressed BYU students, faculty members, and others in a pair of lectures on January 30, 2020.