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College News

141 results found
Asian & Near Eastern Languages Comparative Arts & Letters Linguistics Spanish & Portuguese Humanities News Language Learning
Onomatopoeias, brain scans, and a trip to Ecuador—the Linguistics Department’s latest research findings might surprise you.
El Santo versus the establishment—How film institutions overlook Mexico's favorite luchador.
Learn more about the newest addition to the College of Humanities, the Language Sciences Laboratory.
Adam Youngfield is commended for his professional achievements.
Doug Weatherford releases a new English translation of Mexico’s most well-known novel.
BYU speeches and forums now available in Japanese and Spanish—with more languages to come!
BYU team stands out among participating universities at national Arabic debate competition.
Students Alex Keogh and Brendan Bakker win awards at an international Chinese language competition.
The JFSB displays a newly donated piece of history.
Art history students Ivy Griffiths and Emma Belnap excel in their humanities degrees and fellowships.
Modern slang goes beyond just words; it embodies who we are and where we belong.
Eight years in, Professor Dana Bourgerie highlights the progress of The Cambodian Oral History Project at Humanities Center Colloquium.