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College News

211 results found
Asian & Near Eastern Languages English German & Russian Linguistics Philosophy
College of Humanities professors lecture on how the humanities inspire empathy.
Good writing packs an emotional punch—award-winning author Martine Leavitt teaches how to throw one at full force.
Looking for a linguistics-related internship? Learn which organizations are hiring.
What do American and Russian students have in common? Project-based learning helped BYU Russian learners find out.
Maintaining romantic relationships is no easy feat. Dr. Jason Whiting shares how philosophy can help.
Peterson’s dedication and love for teaching earns him recognition as one of the best language instructors in the state.
What makes a lasting connection between students and faculty? The answer, according to Associate Professor Jacob Rawlins, may lie in boundary work.
Who decides what makes “good” design? According to Associate Professor Jamie Horrocks, Victorian design reformers thought they did.
Two English faculty members become finalists in BYU Studies poetry contests.
Onomatopoeias, brain scans, and a trip to Ecuador—the Linguistics Department’s latest research findings might surprise you.
English Symposium keynote speaker Michael Whittle inspires students by providing a peek into his own creative process.
Struggling to write your thesis? The Research & Writing Center can help you—here's how.